🚀 New Features and Improvements Improved the Apps wizard by removing unnecessary test steps and renaming the "Continue" button to "Save and Continue" for clarity. Redesigned modals for Schedules, Batches, API keys, and App settings to align with platform standardization. Introduced new parameter types: "HTML Selector" and "Plain Text Selector" for Custom and Marketplace Apps. Updated the email Default Channel to remove the requirement for MX record verification. Changed the email tracking CNAME to a less generic subdomain for better compatibility. 🐞 Bugfixes Fixed a security issue in Microsoft SSO to enhance authentication validation. Resolved an access control issue that allowed improper user role and organization changes. Updated UI elements in the "Delete User" modal for clarity. 🐞 Bugfixes Improved performance of the Bottleneck App when handling a large number of data records in the queue. 🚀 New Features and Improvements Changed the accepted values for data record priority. By default is 50, and you can put a number from 100 (lowest) to 0 (highest). 🚀 New Features and Improvements Added the ability to prioritize data records in the queue, enabling, for example, single requests to execute before batch items. 🐞 Bugfixes Fixed an issue where the "Delete project from environment" modal had missing text and an incorrect hint, preventing project deletion from the Environment. 🚀 New Features and Improvements Unified the drawer menu style across designer and environment views for a cohesive user experience. Redesigned the Test Flow modal to ensure visibility of action buttons on all screen sizes. Standardized the "Add New Webhook" view to align with the "Add New Connection" view for platform consistency. Implemented a consistent design and behavior for modals across the platform. Increased the payload limit in NodeJS App and improved error handling for better data management. Enhanced the Report view to improve visibility of the execution information bar. Added "Deleted" status to data records report on the Insights page for better data history tracking. Removed old editor selector from user settings to eliminate confusion and ensure users use the latest content editor. Extended information for environment filter in Insights section Removed the "Clustered Server" option to streamline server configuration options. 🐞 Bug fixes Fixed issue when executing Sync URLs that could lead to have "Too many connections" in the environment. 🚀 New Features and Improvements Improved performance when gathering data for the Insights. 🚀 New Features and Improvements Updated deletion approval modals to require typing "DELETE" instead of a password for confirmation. Improved saving time when publishing Document layouts with large blocks and multiple linked documents. Abbreviated large numbers on the Insights page with tooltips for exact values. Introduced a new "RAW" interface type. Added output for the number of pages in the "Merge PDF files" app. Enabled visibility of deleted projects and environments in Insights filters, marked with a "Deleted" badge and tooltip. 🚀 New Features and Improvements User interface redesign: Major overhaul of the UI for improved aesthetics and usability, introducing a cleaner and more intuitive layout. Differentiated menus for Organisation and Project views: The navigation menu has been moved to the left and now displays differently depending on whether the user is viewing an Organisation or a Project. This restructuring enhances usability and aligns with specific needs for each view. Default channels: Pre-configured communication channels, including email and SMS, are now available out-of-the-box. A new section for "Default Channels" in the organisation menu allows users to customise settings for each channel. New insights view: New user views are now available to provide deeper insights into data, facilitating quicker access to important metrics.