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🚀 New Features and Improvements

  • Added ability to define a label for each data record.
  • Enabled searching data records by their label.
  • Included labels in data record selection for PDF preview for better testing and verification.

🐞 Bugfixes

  • Fixed non-descriptive error caused by "Flow Description" length when saving a flow.
  • Resolved issue where "Publish content" window closes when clicking outside the window.
  • Corrected confusing "error handle flow" block message when saving a flow without an "error handle flow."
  • Fixed issue preventing return to report after editing in Analytics.
  • Updated project name change to reflect correctly in Favorites and search.
  • Corrected duplication issue where background area changes type to "Print area" in Layout.
  • Set area names to increment automatically (e.g., "Area1", "Area2") to avoid save errors in Layout.
  • Improved keyboard navigation by setting focus to the measure dropdown list in Layout.
  • Resolved issue preventing import of backed-up projects.
  • Fixed error preventing duplication of draft and published Layout versions.
  • Persisted accordion state when saving Layout.
  • Ensured progress bar remains visible during the entire project import process.
  • Fixed issue where @data record optimized fields were shown as JSON in some cases.
  • Fixed Custom App headers to ensure that when they include Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, only deflate is added, as gzip and br are not supported.