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🚀 New feature

  • Significant boost in reliability and performance in both the Designer and the Environments.

🚧 Improvement

  • When creating a table, an error is now thrown if the name does not contain [a-z][0-9] and "_" characters. Also, the length cannot be longer than 50 characters.
  • Removed the auto-refresh when opening the variables modal window.
  • The error in the Apps that happens when the connection is abruptly cut in the middle of the transfer (error 43) will be possible to handle in the app.
  • Advanced FTP App has been improved to handle large files (< 60MB) without hitting the memory limit of the worker.
  • If one of the records produces an error when executing a batch, the batch cannot be resumed. Now, there is an option to continue the batch manually.

🐞 Bug fix

  • Now, it's possible to edit a table column if it contains HTML. Before was throwing an error.
  • Fixed a visual error in the Report page when a flow has a "Run a flow" inside a loop, and the flow name to run comes from a @ variable. It showed the name of the first Flow executed.
  • When editing a Custom App in the Flow, if one of the Parameters of it was named "comment," every time it was saved, it included a comma. Now it behaves properly.
  • Fixed the left menu in the Environments so that if it holds many projects, you can scroll through the list.
  • In designer, sometimes, the same webhook was being inserted twice. Now we make sure it is only saved once.
  • In an Environment, now we throw an exception correctly when in a run flow object, it sets to run a not published flow.
  • Fixed an issue when inserting a batch from the frontend. It was not possible to insert more than 20 records.