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🚧 Improvement​

  • Improved the ADP API Request App by making the "request headers" and "request payload" fields optional.
  • Enhanced search performance in the report for cases with a large number of scheduled tasks.
  • Added new variable @webhook-header.{webhook_id}.{request_header} for accessing headers sent in webhooks.
  • Provided more detailed information on hover for "Error handler" and "Needs update" options in flow apps.

πŸš€ New feature​

  • Added a new App called "ADP API Request" for communicating with the ADP API.
  • Added a Project overview in the environments that shows the number of tasks and progress in each project, which can be accessed from the left menu. This new overview also shows the system's storage usage and provides more accurate information on each project's storage.

🚧 Improvement​

  • Improved workers performance in servers C and D.
  • Improved search performance in the report.
  • In the Tables App, the INSERT and UPDATE queries no longer reset previous SELECT queries, allowing you to use @table variables after an INSERT/UPDATE and have them reference the latest SELECT.
  • In the Tables App, the default comparator for the WHERE clause is now "equal" instead of "contains".

πŸš€ New feature​

  • Significant boost in reliability and performance in both the Designer and the Environments.

🚧 Improvement​

  • When creating a table, an error is now thrown if the name does not contain [a-z][0-9] and "_" characters. Also, the length cannot be longer than 50 characters.
  • Removed the auto-refresh when opening the variables modal window.
  • The error in the Apps that happens when the connection is abruptly cut in the middle of the transfer (error 43) will be possible to handle in the app.

🐞 Bug fix​

  • Fixed an issue when having a table with "attr-dynamic" and "attr-table-query" in the same HTML tag; if the result of the "attr-dynamic" was empty, the results of the "attr-table-query" were also removed; Now, it prints the values correctly.

πŸš€ New feature​

  • New App in the Marketplace for connecting to Rotaform API.

🚧 Improvement​

  • Now it is shown the column type when adding or editing a Tableβ€”for example, String, Number, Date, etc.
  • Increased performance and loading speed of the flow list and versions.
  • Improved the performance and speed when creating a project.

🚧 Improvement​

  • Improved the website's performance when it has many data records opened. The loading of pages and blocks is now faster.
  • We provide more accurate information when there is an error with the cURL. First, it showed a generic message "Unknown error happens," and now we display the correct error code.

🐞 Bug fix​

  • On some occasions, the attachment was corrupt when using the application Megamail due to a false positive of invalid base64. Now the files attached are correctly encoded.
  • Fixed bug in website pages introduced in v.8.4.1. Using a form button with the option "Redirect to a loading page," the URL to where it was redirecting was broken when used in an Environment.

πŸš€ New feature​

  • Deployed a new app to connect servers with Webdav service inside the Tools section.

🚧 Improvement​

  • Improved the JSON path using the Array operator app. Now we can search values using the logical operator (OR), and also it has improved the search engine when the data contains some special characters like '$', ';' or single quotes and double quotes.

πŸš€ New feature​

  • Added new security option in Interfaces, CORS configuration. If you need to send data to Flowize from external domains via Javascript, now you can configure which domains can send data to your project.
  • New "/environments" API endpoint, allows environments to be created and managed via the API. To use it, you must activate the API key of the Organization editing it. Detailed information on: .

🚧 Improvement​

  • The way data logging execution is stored. It should now have less impact on your database, as data larger than 1 MB will be stored in files.
  • The functionality of "Table Query" App:
    • The "date_updated" of the table, now it's always updated regardless of the App used to update the data.
    • When doing an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, the response variables "total" and "result" now hold the same value. So if it's not UPDATED, both will have a 0.

🐞 Bug fix​

  • Fixed a bug happening when a decision in a flow with a "Run a Flow" had an error and, the parent flow had an Error handler flow attached; the data record was restarting indefinitely.
  • Fixed that if in the flow, you open an object and SAVE before the HTML content loads, it lost its configuration.
  • The issue when opening a project in the Guest Project organization in the left tree view has been fixed. It was not possible to open with a left-click.
  • The bug that was preventing that sometimes the left tree menu was not being shown has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue in the Custom App: without changing anything in the App, the update option appears in the flow that has an update.
  • Now, users watching a Managed service ticket also get notified when other people of the organization comment on that ticket, not only when the Support team adds new comments.
  • The "Download File From URL Object" function of the File Manager app dynamically creates the intermediate folders if they don't exist in the path provided.
  • Fixed an issue that Custom Apps using OAuth 2.0 was returning an error when using a variable as a parameter that holds an array.

πŸš€ New feature​

  • Added new functionality to optimize the storage of an environment. Now the space left is adequately calculated.

🚧 Improvement​

  • The JSON Path engine has been improved. It was preventing to look for values which contain some characters like "@" or "$. We have made some changes in the use of the operator to filter arrays. Check the knowledge base for more information.
  • The security has been improved by reviewing the permissions of folders and files in the file manager.