Added a new App called "ADP API Request" for communicating with the ADP API.
Added a Project overview in the environments that shows the number of tasks and progress in each project, which can be accessed from the left menu. This new overview also shows the system's storage usage and provides more accurate information on each project's storage.
In the Tables App, the INSERT and UPDATE queries no longer reset previous SELECT queries, allowing you to use @table variables after an INSERT/UPDATE and have them reference the latest SELECT.
In the Tables App, the default comparator for the WHERE clause is now "equal" instead of "contains".
Added new security option in Interfaces, CORS configuration. If you need to send data to Flowize from external domains via Javascript, now you can configure which domains can send data to your project.
New "/environments" API endpoint, allows environments to be created and managed via the API. To use it, you must activate the API key of the Organization editing it. Detailed information on: .
When editing a flow, if the user navigates to another page, only after having modified the flow, a warning appears
to remind that you will lose the changes.
App HTMLtoPDF: engine updated to improve the generation of PDFs ignoring images that are not reachable. Now if an
image cannot be loaded doesn't stop the PDF from being generated.
App GatewayAPI: updating help text, adding missing parameters.
App GatewayAPI: Fixed duplicated response information when configuring the app.
Fixed issue with trigger Schedule using a data schema of a different project
Fixed issue in the API that sometimes when calling a Direct URL, the project was being cached, saying that the URL
didn't exist when in fact it exists.