Fixed a bug happening when a decision in a flow with a "Run a Flow" had an error and, the parent flow had an Error handler flow attached; the data record was restarting indefinitely.
Fixed that if in the flow, you open an object and SAVE before the HTML content loads, it lost its configuration.
The issue when opening a project in the Guest Project organization in the left tree view has been fixed. It was not possible to open with a left-click.
The bug that was preventing that sometimes the left tree menu was not being shown has been fixed.
Fixed an issue in the Custom App: without changing anything in the App, the update option appears in the flow that has an update.
Now, users watching a Managed service ticket also get notified when other people of the organization comment on that ticket, not only when the Support team adds new comments.
The "Download File From URL Object" function of the File Manager app dynamically creates the intermediate folders if they don't exist in the path provided.
Fixed an issue that Custom Apps using OAuth 2.0 was returning an error when using a variable as a parameter that holds an array.