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🚀 New feature

  • Added a new marketplace app called IBM Business Automation Document Processing API to Submit a file or retrieve a JSON from IBM API.

🐞 Bug fix

  • When a user is deleted from an organization, He will be deleted from all the Environments he had accessed to.
  • In the Environments, now the Organization of the user is also shown and logged when executing actions in the data records.

🚧 Improvement

  • Improved the loading of the speed of the Environment detail when clicking in the left menu.
  • MACRO preg_replace() now accepts multiline text.
  • Show a new object in the report to represent that a user restarted a data record manually.

🐞 Bug fix

  • When editing a flow, if the user navigates to another page, only after having modified the flow, a warning appears to remind that you will lose the changes.

🚧 Improvement

  • The counter of the number of errors in an app is now reset when a successful response is received or there is an error handler defined in the App, and it has the option CONTINUE after a number of retries.
  • Improved the way the bottleneck object was calculating the time to be stopped when the option "MINUTE" was selected.
  • Improved the loading time of the list of flows and improved the screenshots quality.
  • For the preg_replace MACRO, the pipe character | can now be used in the first parameter of the function, so it can be used for the regular expression.

🚀 New feature

  • Bottleneck: This new system app allows us to control the number of data records to be executed at a specific time. It behaves as a counter, counting every data record that goes through it and stopping them once the limit is reached in the time-defined gap.

🚧 Improvement

  • Improved performance when loading the list of flows.
  • Improved speed when calculating the statistics of each environment.
  • Now It is possible to INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE SQL queries in the Execute SQL Query app, in addition to SELECT.

🚧 Improvement

  • Added API URL as a new parameter for the Visma | Onguard - CreditManager App
  • In the File Manager App, The Download file from URL function now throws the correct error code.

🚀 New feature

  • In the File Manager App, The Download file from URL function now allows adding custom headers to the request.

🐞 Bug fix

  • Fixed issue importing to a table from CSV.
  • Fixed issue editing a query on a Hosted Page.
  • Fixed issue with the preg_replace MACRO in Designer replacing static variables.

🚀 New feature

  • Visma | Onguard - CreditManager App for Automating debt management process.

🐞 Bug fix

  • In the parameters of the Authorization of an App, any @variable can be used.
  • Fixed issue in Update variable tool when the parameter on the right uses the MACRO eval_spreadsheet_formula().
  • Fixed an issue in designer testing Apps. It is not returning a response if the response contains a JSON.

🐞 Bug fix

  • Using an array of a Keystore in a Loop object was failing as the variable was not being replaced.
  • Adding/updating a Project in an Environment while records are running could lead to unexpected errors while information is updated. Now it's avoided waiting for the records to finish before doing the update.

🐞 Bug fix

  • Fixed an error in the Batch view while processing a JSON one using endpoint "/v1/". It was showing the same number in "total" and "inserted".
  • Fixed issue with content collections using conditions .
  • Removed the extra footer that it's only meant to be in the emails sent from the designer for the HTML to PDF.

🚀 New feature

  • Added a new option in the Webhook object to use Priority mode to process the webhook response faster.
  • Added the name and function name of the object in the flow when it is opened.
  • Telnyx App to use Telnyx API has been included in the marketplace.
  • Included a new header parameter called User Agent with the current Flowize version for the Gateway API
  • Added a new function called Implode, that joins array elements with a string for the Operation Tools