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Tables Query

This Tool App allows you to access your Tables' data with SQL-like queries with ease.

It allows you to SELECT your data and use SQL functions like AVG(), MAX(), CONCAT_WS(), etc., and also use JOINS between your tables, use GROUP BY, HAVING, etc.

SQL Editor​

Loop config

The SQL editor will help you with the task of building your query as it will try to autocomplete SQL keywords and functions, and your Tables' name and columns.

For the query to work, the table name has to be enclosed between square brackets like [my_table_name].

You also have on the right, a list of the SQL Commands that you can add to the editor in one click.


The number of results that this App outputs while in the Designer are limited to 200. When you run this App in your own environment, this limit is not applied.

Response parameters​

The output of this App provides five variables:

resultthe current loop index
totalreturns the number of results
queryreturns the query that was done, with all the @ variables replaced, if any
messagein case of an error, returns an explanation of the error
errorin case of an error, returns "true"