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🚀 New feature

  • Bottleneck: This new system app allows us to control the number of data records to be executed at a specific time. It behaves as a counter, counting every data record that goes through it and stopping them once the limit is reached in the time-defined gap.

🚧 Improvement

  • Improved performance when loading the list of flows.
  • Improved speed when calculating the statistics of each environment.
  • Now It is possible to INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE SQL queries in the Execute SQL Query app, in addition to SELECT.

🐞 Bug fix

  • When we test an app that uses @ variables in the Authorization, the variables were not being replaced.
  • When defining a Custom App as SOAP, the Outgoing request format was being saved as JSON, and so it was not sending the correct header.
  • When testing an App in the Flow, the values being tested were also saved in the App. Now the values are only saved when clicking in the button SAVE
  • Fixed issue when creating a new project from a project file. Sometimes the project creation was failing.
  • In environments with many projects and with different schedules, sometimes, if it was failing to save one of the schedule's information, it was inserting two records instead of one.
  • For the schedules, sometimes the calculation of the first date to be fired didn't match with the configuration.
  • Sometimes the cURL example of URLs could not be copied and imported if it has single quotes in the data. The correct headers are also applied to the example.
  • Prevented that if several webhooks are received while the flow was already executing, it could move the execution to the Webhook object received.
  • Improved the performance and reliability of Priority Webhooks.
  • Website: Fixed that when using sending status to a flow, and the buttons/links are not disabled, the flow was being executed several times.
  • For the URLs configuration, the dropdown menu didn't show any flow to select.