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Custom Apps

By creating a custom app, you can connect external public and private web services to Flowize platform. These can be used within the flow designer to automate your communication process. You’ll find this feature under Apps -> Custom in the top menu bar:

In this example, we are going to extend the webhook showcase. We are going to create a custom app that will make a call to our webhook to trigger our custom statuses, instead of making CURL requests.

Let's go with the three steps.

Create custom app​

First, we need to create a custom app. To do so, we go to the Custom app overview and, we click on the “New App” button: This action will initiate the wizard process to configure our custom app, which is divided into the following steps.


In this step, we provide general information about the custom app. We must specify a meaningful name and a unique App identifier which could be used, later on, to reference the response data of this app.

Moreover, we can customize some properties such as the background color, text color, and icon. If you want to use PDF or HTML content, which will be created within our platform, you have to enable the switchers that are shown below.


This step allows you to set up the authentication method of the API. There are different levels of authentication and security within an API. Depending on the API you want to connect to you choose one of the following options:

No AuthIf you don’t need to certificate who is asking for the resource
Basic AuthWith username and password
OAuth1.0This is a deprecated authentication method but, some APIs are still using it. We need to specify the Consumer Key (API Key), Consumer Secret (API Secret), Access Token and Access Token Secret
OAuth2.0The last and secure version of this kind of authorisation used from the most common APIs. We need to specify the Auth URL to send the request, Access Token URL, Client ID, Client Secret, the Scope in case we need it, choose the Grant Type and type the Access Token and the Access Token Structure
App AuthThis method allows you to select the authentication of another custom app

Outgoing request​

Next, we configure the request that is going to be performed.

FormatThe format of the payload that is going to be sent
Import from cURLEnable this if you would like to import your configuration from a CURL request
URLThe URL where to make the request
MethodSelect the method you are going to use to communicate with the URL
HeadersIf the API requires Headers, you can click on the “Add new Header” button. You can add more headers if needed
PayloadIt’s the information that you will send within the request

We can let the system get the parameters for us by clicking on the “Yes, get the parameters” button:


As we mentioned in the previous step, our parameters will be automatically generated as we let the system get them for us. Anyway, it is possible to add more anytime, if needed.

The parameters make it possible to set variables while building a flow, so you only have to set it once in the code of the API. While adding a new parameter, you can label it and define its type. The name of the parameter must be unique because within the API-request you can use this as a variable. For instance, if you name the parameter postalcode, within the request you use the variable @object.params.postalcode@.

If we click on the “Edit” button, all the options that we can set for a parameter will appear below:

Label of the paramThe sticker before the input box that we are going to show in order to enter the value
Name of the paramIt has to be unique to identify this param with each other
Type of paramWe should choose the kind of input we will let the user fill in
RequiredYou can choose if the field will be mandatory or not
Help textText that will be shown under the element
Long Help textText shown to the user in a new window
ValuesThey will appear only in the case that you choose a parameter type with multiples values like Radio button, Checkboxes or List
Default valueWe can set a value by default in case we don’t have another one

In our case, we are going to leave all the parameters by default.


In this step, we can make sure that our API request works as expected. We can leave the default values that are shown, and we click on the “Send” button. Then we can see information about the request that was sent and the response that the app received.

We can quickly complete the following step by clicking on the “Save Response Variables”, which will retrieve for us all needed variables from the response.

Incoming data​

Here we can set up the incoming data that this app receives. We simply select the format of the response that our app will receive and the variables that this payload will contain. As we mentioned in the previous step, this data will be automatically generated if we let the system get it for us. It is also possible to specify the path in our data schema where these response variables will be saved.


Finally, we can see an overview of our app configuration.

Build the flow​

This workflow is merely going to generate an invoice when the webhook is received. This is the configuration of workflow objects:

  1. My example App: this will send the lead to an external server that it will send back to our webhook the customer_order status.
  2. My Webhook example: this webhook will check if we are receiving from the external server the status “customer_order” and if it is so then we generate the invoice in the app called “generate invoice”.

Test the process​

To test the process, we are going to send a new customer to the Webshop flow that we set up in the previous showcase. To do so, we run the following CURL request:

curl -X POST \
https: //{{platform_api_url}}/v1/batch \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Apikey: {{put_here_your_api_key}}' \
-H 'X-App: Webshop' \
-H 'X-Batch-Status: ready' \
-H 'X-Flow: Webshop' \
-H 'X-Scopes: batch' \
-d '[
"id": "136342354325",
"name": "Peter Slam",
"email": ""

Finally, we are going to trigger both statuses by inserting a new record into our new Trigger Statuses flow:

curl -X POST \
https: //{{platform_api_url}}/v1/record \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Apikey: {{put_here_your_api_key}}' \
-H 'X-App: Webshop' \
-H 'X-Flow: Trigger Statuses' \
-H 'X-Scopes: record, batch' \
-d '{
"id": "136342354325"

In both cases, you must replace {{platform_api_url}} by the API URL and {{put_here_your_api_key}} by your API key.

Congratulations! You have successfully created your custom app.