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In our Marketplace, you will find the essential apps that exist in the market like Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, Mailgun or Twilio app and use in your workflows.

If we want to create an app from one of the previously downloaded, we will click on the “Create App” button and if we want to look for a new one we will click on the “Buy a new one in the marketplace” button to be redirected to the Marketplace section. If you would like to know how to configure the app that you just created, please visit this post.

Configure an app​

To configure an app, first of all, we need to search for it in the Marketplace overview and select it. Then, setting an app is as simple as following the steps below.

Step 1 – Information: Here, you can customise some application properties such as:

App Namethe name that will be used to identify the app
Iconthe image that will be shown in the background of the app. This option is disabled in some apps
Background colorthe background color of the app
Text colorthe text color will be shown in the object. This option is disabled in some apps

Step 2 – Authentication: Here, you will need to enter the required credentials for the app to retrieve the information from its corresponding API. The authentication type and the parameters may vary depending on the app that you are configuring.

Step 3 – Setup: In this section, you will view a list of the available functions that you can install for this app. You can check out how to configure a function here.

Step 4 – Overview: This is the overview of your configuration, you can see here some parameters like installed functions, authentication and the response variables. You can also create in some apps, a webhook by clicking on the “Create webhook” button. This option is only available if the plugin contains webhooks.

Configure a function​

Here we will explain how to configure a function of an app.

  1. Click on the gear icon and then on “Install” to configure this function to use it in a flow:

  2. Configuration:

    Step 1 – Information: Set the name of the function; this is how you will find it in the flow functions palette.

    Step 2 – Parameters: Set the parameters; you can leave this empty (to fill it up later in a flow) or choose a default value, for example with a variable from your data schema. At this point, you can also select if the parameter input will appear or not when the function is placed in a flow (you may want to use a default value that will never be changed).

    Step 3 – Test: Now, you can test the function; set the parameters needed in each input and click on “Send” to see the response.

    Step 4 – Response: You can see the plugin's response variables, and you can map them here with your data schema if needed.