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Here you will find many kinds of tools which are very useful when building a flow in order to let you save time when doing some actions in it because you don't have to do it from zero.


In the apps overview you can see each one has some actions. Let's explain them.


You can modify all the functions that tool has. This is

  • Info: its name can be edited
  • Parameters: here you can edit any of its parameters so that value will be a default one and, if so, you will also have the option to not showing in the flow the text field that corresponds to it.
  • Test: allows to test the last changes made.
  • Response: you will be able to set, besides default response parameters, other for each field from your Data Schema in order to also be saved there.


You can also duplicate a tool in order to have a copy of it, including the configuration (the settings we mentioned from the edit action), useful in case of wanting to have the original tool with just little modifications.


This action allows you to make this tool visible or hidden for your flows. If you unpublish one tool, it will not appear in your flow's Tools section, so you will not be able to use it. This feature is useful when you know you will not use a tool.


As the word says, if you choose this action, you will delete the tool from the tools list. You must think well before using it because this action can't be undone.

New app​

If you click on this button, placed in the top right corner from the Tools overview, you will be redirected to a similar wizard than the Duplicate tool, but with the default values, so you can create one "instance" of the tools shown in the list, and configure it as you wish.