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Push Notification

Android Push

This function allows you to send a push notification using Google Cloud Messages inside your flows.

ConfigurationGCM Server API KeyThis is the API Key that allows you to send notifications to your applications. Your GCM Sender ID helps authenticate against CleverTap, allowing us to send push notifications on your behalf.No
Device TokenThis is the device identifier that is going to receive the notification from us.No
NotificationTicker TextThis is an small ticker text in your notification.No
TitleThe title of the notification.No
MessageThe text that will be sent to the user. Max 140 characters.No

Response parameters

multicast_idIdentifies the multicast message.
successNumber of messages that were processed without an error.
failureNumber of messages that could not be processed.
canonical_idsNumber of messages that were processed without an error.
resultsArray of objects representing the status of the messages processed. The objects are listed in the same order as the request (i.e., for each registration ID in the request, its result is listed in the same index in the response).
results.registration_idThis parameter specifies the canonical registration token for the client app that the message was processed and sent to. Sender should replace the registration token with this value on future requests; otherwise, the messages might be rejected.
results.message_idThe topic message ID when GCM has successfully received the request and will attempt to deliver to all subscribed devices.
logThis contains the procedure log.
messageThis is the output message.
errorThis will contain an error message if the process fails.

iOS Push

This function allows you to send a push notification using Apple Push Notification Services inside your flows.

ConfigurationApp PassphraseThis parameter allows users to password protect the certificates.No
Apple Certificate Authority FileThis is your path to the Root Certificate authority file in Flowize.No
Apple Private Certificate FileThis is your path to the Private Certificate file in Flowize. It should be a .pem or .p12 fileNo
Device TokenThis is the device identifier that is going to receive the notification from us.No
ServerThis is the server that you want to send Push Notifications (Sandbox | Production).No
Application nameThis parameter allows users to identify the application in a log response.No
Custom propertyIn this field you can include a custom property that you need for you application.You will receive it in your App in the “customProperty” attribute.No
SoundIndicates a sound to play when the device receives a notification. If the field is empty then it will apply default sound. i.e: music.aiff.No
BadgeThe number to display as the badge of the application icon. If this property is absent, the badge is not changed. To remove the badge, set the value of this property to 0.No
Time to liveThis parameter specifies how long (in seconds) the message should be kept in your app if the device is offline. By default, this value is 10.No
NotificationTitleThe title of the notification.No
MessageThe text that will be sent to the user. Max 140 characters.No

Response parameters

logThis contains the procedure log.
messageThis is the output message.
errorThis will contain an error message if the process fails.

Windows Push

This function allows you to send a push notification using Windows Push Notification Services inside your flows.

ConfigurationDevice TokenThis is the WINDOWS device identifier that is going to receive the notification from us.No
NotificationTitleThe title of the notification.No
MessageThe text that will be sent to the user. Max 140 characters.No

Response parameters

X-SubscriptionStatusThe subscription status.
X-NotificationStatusThe notification status.
X-DeviceConnectionStatusThe device connection status.
logThis contains the procedure log.
messageThis is the output message.
errorThis will contain an error message if the process fails.